I’ll have my porta-shade, table, and some chairs set up at the Mud Maxx 5k this Saturday. Our brand-spanking new club banner will be revealed and displayed as well!
If you’re looking for something to do this weekend, this is the perfect choice for a true trail nerd. What the run lacks in distance will be rewarded in mud and obstacles. Steve Boone is the race director and he is a heck-of-a-nice-guy. His low key races are usually a lot of fun.
Make sure to stop by the club tent and say howdy. I’ll be hanging out with Preston (the birthday boy) and Alison, while Andrea runs. I’d love to run, but I’m still resting the knee.
We saw your tent at Mud Maxx, but didn't stop by. My husband Adam and I would love to meet up for a run. We live near Spring Creek and do a lot of our trail running there, but are up for anything. Shoot me an email if you want to try and meet up.